"For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many."
- Jesus, Mark 10:45
- Jesus, Mark 10:45
Christ was a servant on this earth and he called us to follow in his path. At Our Savior's we believe that we have been called into mission to serve God's children and God's creation.
How we serve at Our Savior's:
- Volunteer to help in worship
- Join one of our voice choirs or bell choirs
- LinCt and Confirmation leaders
- Mission projects and mission trips
- Donations to Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Disaster Response
- Join a Ministry Team
- United Way Day of Caring
- Local volunteer opportunities
- Many more ways!
Call our church office (507-233-4430) or email our staff if you would like to get involved with volunteering at Our Savior's.