10th Grade Confirmands
Our Confirmand meetings begin on September 18th at 8PM. There is worship before that at 7:30PM that our Confirmands are encouraged to attend, but it is not required. We meet 3 dates to get everything set for Confirmation. Our meeting days are:
September 18th, September 25th, and October 2nd.
Faith statements are due on October 2nd!
There are documents that need to be filled out (robe form, Info form, and faith story) all of which can be found below to be printed or to be filled out online.
September 18th, September 25th, and October 2nd.
Faith statements are due on October 2nd!
There are documents that need to be filled out (robe form, Info form, and faith story) all of which can be found below to be printed or to be filled out online.

confirmation_info_form.docx |

confirmation_robe.doc |

your_faith_story.docx |