Confirmation 2024-2025:
Confirmation will begin again on Wednesday September 18th at 6:30PM. We will also be having multiple meetings for confirmation before we begin. Attendance at one of these meetings is required. This is to help all parents and guardians know what is going on in confirmation, the expectations, the requirements, and to pass on very important information. Attendance will be taken at each meeting to make sure that each student has had one of their parents or guardians attend one of these meetings. These meetings will be under 30 minutes long. These meetings also coincide with the LinCt meetings. We will also have a covenant agreement to clarify our rules and expectations. Meeting times:
Registration can be completed online on the church website or on paper. Paper forms can be found by the Youth Board, or in the confirmation mailing that will go out in early August. Information about Acolyting, Service Hours, and more will be available in August. If you have questions about Confirmation talk with Pr. Dave, the Associate Pastor with a focus on Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. |
Acolyting Basics |
"The Faith Five" is a learning technique created by FaithInkubators. They consist of 5 steps to engage us in all aspects of learning and faith formation.
Share - This is the first step in faith formation. We take time to share our highs and lows for the week. This is a chance to grow together as a group and support each other in Christian love. Read - Second, we read a scripture lesson with a particular focus in mind. This helps us to see God active in the Bible, but also through our lives. Talk - Third, we talk about the scripture. We use prewritten question, questions the students want to ask, or move with the flow of conversation to see where the Holy Spirit takes us. This step is where we apply the Scripture to our lives and find what lessons we can learn. Pray - Our fourth step is praying. We pray for each other's highs and lows. We pray for the lesson we learned to take root in our lives. We pray for the world around us. We pray for whatever God has laid on our hearts. Bless - The final step is blessing each other. We take time to individually bless one another with the sign of the cross, a high-five, a hug, or any other blessing that we see fit. This helps us to learn that we are here to be blessings to one another and also makes us more comfortable with sharing our faith. Through all these steps, we are forming the faith of our students as their parents, our leaders, and anyone else who is there. We encourage you to use these steps as a way to develop faithful and healthy relationships with family, friends, and anyone who needs to hear the Gospel. Jesus, at the end of the Gospel of Matthew, tells us to go out and make disciples of all nations! This is how we share the Gospel and make disciples for Christ. |