Camp House Trip
July 13-18, 2023
I hope you’re all getting excited for Camphouse! This is going to be an amazing trip. Here are some details to get set before we leave:
Timing: Everyone should be at OSLC by 8:30am on July 13th. We will be leaving at 9:00am, but there will be things we need to take care of before we leave. That includes rules and Covenant (draft included), as well as getting a picture. We will be returning to OSLC on July 18th around 3PM. We will send a message when we are on our way back with an estimated time of arrival. Included is a Packing List. There are plenty of important things to bring, but I want to make special notice of bringing a Bible and a water bottle. These are 2 of the most important things to bring to camp. Before we get to Camphouse, we will stop at Kerfoot Canopy Tours to do the zipline course. In order for your child to participate, you will need to fill our a waver form at: There is also a link to this waver on the church website (Children & Youth / 2023 Camphouse Trip). We will be doing the course on July 13 at 10am. Please let me know if your child has any allergies or food concerns. I will be getting info out to camp about any dietary restrictions by July 7, so please get back to me soon. Also make sure to fill out the Medical Release Form, Included in this letter or on the church website. Our Focus for our time at Camp will be “4 Big Questions.” The questions are: Who Am I? Where do I fit in? What difference can I make? Who will I be? All of these questions will be asked and answered through conversation and scripture. This was also sent out as an email earlier. If you did not receive it, please get in touch with me. This trip is going to be an amazing experience! Thanks for allowing me to take your kids to learn about their faith and who they are in God’s creation. If you haven’t turned in your registration form or payments please get those to me as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you can call or text me at 320-583-9242 or email me at [email protected]. Blessings and Peace, Pr. Dave |
2023 OSLC Camp House Registration and Info